Friday, 6 January 2012

A CHANCE to live, a HOPE to heal.

Meet Low Yong Xuan or Baby, as she is affectionately known. She is an active, bubbly 3 year-old girl. Nothing puts a smile on her face as much as when she is watching her favourite Tom and Jerry cartoons and when she is mingling with her friends at the nursery.

Low, however, does not have a regular childhood like any other healthy children. At the tender age of 6 months, she was diagnosed with Bilateral Wilms Tumour. It was a type of cancer which is found in the kidney that may further complicate her condition if the tumour spreads to the lungs, liver or nearby lymph nodea. The disease is apparently common in children who are under the age of five.

All a child ever needed is to feel great about oneself and live a happy, healthy life. 

Based on this true story which was adapted from MAKNA, we were inspired to create a blog on Paediatric surgery

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